WPGA sponsors legislation to decarbonize California's electricity with renewable propane

Written on: April 14, 2021 by ICM

The Western Propane Gas Association (WPGA) is sponsoring legislation that would establish a program to provide financial incentives to produce renewable propane – to help reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from residential and commercial buildings.
Assembly Bill 1559 (O’Donnell), the “Innovative Renewable Energy for Buildings Act of 2021,” would require the California Energy Commission to establish and implement a program to provide financial incentives for the production of renewable propane, including blends with renewable hydrogen or renewable dimethyl ether, that is used as an energy source for buildings in California.
WPGA estimates there are currently about 600,000 households who are not connected to the electric grid and rely on propane. Much of California’s investment in renewable energy is focused on its public utilities’ electrical grid.
“AB 1559 addresses this problem by fixing a number of blind spots in the State’s energy policy,” said Joy Alafia, WPGA’s president. “By incentivizing production of renewable propane, California will be able to ensure these primarily rural communities have access to renewable energy and are able to participate in the state’s carbon reduction initiatives.”
Not only is renewable propane derived from such sustainable energy sources as animal fat and vegetable oils, it also offers a convenient, affordable and effective way for many communities to achieve carbon neutrality for energy used to heat homes, heat water and generate electricity. Renewable propane also offers the added benefit of providing clean energy during emergencies, blackouts and when solar energy runs out, WPGA said.
WPGA has set an ambitious goal to provide California with a 100% renewable propane by 2030 to support the state’s goals to fight climate change.