UTILITY Enterprises hosted visits from NYIT for community outreach

Written on: January 31, 2017 by ICM

NYIT MBA students Ashish Kumar Singh, Kahja Moyeen Shaik, Abhishek Mis... NYIT MBA students Talia Shepherd, Haibo Yu, Yiyan Zhou, Jie Yang, Xue Li, Huang Huang, Long Meng, UTILITY President Audie Kranz and NYIT Professor Dr Birasnav MuthurajUTILITY Enterprises, as part of its community outreach program, hosted a series of visits from MBA students of Dr. Birasnav Muthuraj, M.E., PhD., Assistant Professor of Quantitative methods, from the New York Institute of Technology School of Management (NYIT).
In addition to a tour of the manufacturing facilities, Audie Kranz, President of UTILITY, described the operations of the company and an overview of UTILITY’s market.  This was followed by a lively discussion. Part of the students’ assignment and grade included a written assessment of their visit and recommendations for improvements in efficiency and productivity.
UTILITY Enterprises—America’s Chemical Super Source—is a leading manufacturer and supplier of chemicals for the plumbing and heating industries. UTILITY Enterprises is located in Westbury, NY.