TSA extends licenses for transporters of hazardous materials

Written on: November 2, 2020 by ICM

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has granted an extension of the exemption that allows state motor vehicle licensing agencies to extend expiring CDL driver hazardous material endorsements (HMEs) through Dec. 31, 2020.
The TSA action is important to petroleum marketers and heating fuel dealers because it ensures CDL drivers with expiring HMEs can maintain their licensure without interruption during the coronavirus emergency.
Under TSA regulations, a state may not issue or renew an HME for a CDL unless the state first receives a Determination of No Security Threat on the driver from the TSA. Drivers renewing their HME are required to initiate an STA at least 60 days before expiration. The process of initiating an STA requires drivers to submit information either to the State licensing agency or to TSA enrollment center, including fingerprints and background information. However, measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 make this process difficult if not impossible for drivers.
The TSA announcement does not provide an automatic extension of HMEs nationwide. Instead, each State must issue their own waiver for the automatic extension to become effective within the State. States are expected to grant similar waivers given the inability of drivers to initiate an STA due to COVID-19 closures.
TSA continues to urge drivers to begin the renewal process 60 days prior to their HME expiration date.
Source: Energy Marketers of America