New Technologies

Written on: November 1, 2012 by John Huber

The oilheating industry is clearly not part of the tech boom, we have no new iPhone 5, no tablet, no video games streaming into living rooms; however, we are touched by the tech boom—it does help us deliver better services, and it does improve comfort and price to consumers. So, everyone in the industry owes it to themselves and their customers to continuously evaluate new technologies and the value they bring to customers.
Electronic controls are required on new boilers. However, there are retrofit options, and NYSERDA*, Brookhaven**, manufacturers of controls, and NORA are evaluating the best control strategies to ensure the industry uses appropriate tools. We are seeing the next generation of thermostats coming into the market, and some are being promoted at your major home stores.
Furnaces and boilers have continued to improve in the last few years. We have many that condense and thus operate at maximum efficiency. These technologies are ensuring that our customers still get a good value during these times of high crude prices.
Finally, the fuel continues to improve. Throughout the country, low sulfur fuel is taking over, which will improve efficiency and reduce the need to clean the heat exchanger. Accompanying those changes, biofuels are increasing their market share and the percentage of fuel. This trend will continue, and NORA is conducting studies to ensure the fuel will work well in our equipment.
*New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
**Brookhaven National Laboratory