General Filters, Inc. Gives to Families in Need This Thanksgiving

Written on: November 22, 2016 by ICM

thanksgiving-foodGeneral Filters, Inc. decided to make a difference in the lives of others this Thanksgiving by collecting items that would provide a complete Thanksgiving meal for three local families in need.  The photo on the left shows just a few of the items collected.  In the end, each family had a turkey, the roaster in which to cook the turkey, stuffing, canned vegetables, a can opener, dinner rolls, a bag of potatoes, a bag of apples, butter, cookies, turkey broth and more.  In addition, everyday items like toothpaste, toothbrushes, paper towels, toilet paper, soap, forks and lip balm were included.  Families were selected by the city of Novi’s Youth Services Organization, who also delivered the boxes on General Filters’ behalf.
“It’s easy to take for granted all the blessings one has during the Holidays.  It’s important to remember others less fortunate.  General Filters is pleased to be able to do this, and we plan to continue this tradition each Thanksgiving and Christmas,” stated Paige Freeland, Marketing Manager.  “We would like to thank the City of Novi, and Barbara Shonibin of Youth Services for helping us locate families that could benefit from such a gift.”