Downstate bioheat blending now New York State law

Written on: September 14, 2017 by ICM

Albany, NY—New York Governor Andrew Cuomo gave his approval to a new law requiring that “all heating oil sold in the Counties of Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester on or after July 1, 2018 shall contain at least 5% renewable biofuels”. Senate bill #5422-A, sponsored by Phil Boyle (R-Bayshore) in the State Senate and Steve Englebright (D-Setauket) in the State Assembly, now becomes Chapter 315 of the Laws of 2017.
When matching the current 2% New York City blending standard…(which increases to 5% on October 1, 2017)…this new law will essentially require a 5% biofuel blending standard for some 70% of the heating oil sold in New York State.
As Kevin Rooney, CEO of the Oil Heat Institute noted, “This new blending standard, coupled with the existing state requirement that all heating oil sold be ultra-low sulfur, means that by next year oil heat dealers in the downstate region will be selling the cleanest, most environmentally compatible fuel of any heating oil market in the nation”.
He further added that this legislation would not have passed the Legislature and become law had it not been for Mike Trunzo, the Albany representative for OHILI, the National Biodiesel Board and the NY State energy Coalition. “While many individuals and groups were involved to some degree, this law would not have happened without his tireless efforts on our mutual behalf. If there are any kudos for a job well done, he is the most worthy of recipients”, Rooney stated.
For further information, contact the Oil Heat institute at 631-360-0200 or