Documenting Propane Regulator Replacements

Written on: November 15, 2022 by Brent Cammett

When you own or operate a propane company, regulator replacement is a crucial procedure that should be completed regularly to help ensure the safety and proper operation of the propane equipment you service. We know you’ve heard it before—if it isn’t documented, it didn’t happen. Documenting your regulator replacements is imperative, as is documenting any testing completed prior to putting a regulator into service. Keep reading this article to learn the importance of regulator replacement and accurately documenting your propane company’s regulator installations and replacements.

The Purpose of Regulator Replacement
Regulators control the pressure to downstream equipment. A piece of equipment called a seat disk allows gas to flow through the piping while a diaphragm moves back and forth to control downstream gas pressure. Sometimes, when the demand for gas is low, the seat disk can jam or lock up. Building pressure behind a locked-up disk can eventually divert gas through the relief valve, a release mechanism designed to prevent equipment damage. Timely regulator replacement is necessary to maintain a well-working propane system.

Recommended Frequency
Due to the amount of wear and tear this equipment sees daily, regulator replacement guidelines are set by each regulator manufacturer. Follow manufacturer-recommended guidelines to stay compliant with the specific system’s regulator lifespans and replacement frequency. It’s easy to see why documentation is so critical for such an intermittent task—this is a part that can last for many years if manufactured and maintained properly, so replacement may no longer be on your radar by the time it’s necessary for a given piece of equipment. So, what’s the best way to track your propane company’s regulator replacement needs and frequency? Read on to learn how our propane safety experts recommend that you document and track your regulator replacements to ensure high rates of accuracy and compliance.

Documenting & Tracking Your Regulator Replacements
Tracking regulators in your portfolio to ensure they are replaced before their manufacturer-recommended expiration is critical to reduce risk and maintain overall compliance. Be sure to maintain accurate and updated documentation on regulator replacements to keep your employees safe, your customers protected and your company safeguarded in the case of litigation. Our team recommends using digital, cloud-based compliance software that provides automated notifications when regulator replacements are due, significantly reducing the risk of outdated regulators remaining in service.

About the author: Brent Cammett is the Senior Consultant of Safety & Training at P3 Propane Safety. You can contact him at or at ICM