Companies to donate HVAC systems

Written on: August 10, 2020 by ICM

Michael & Son, Alexandria, VA, is teaming up with Carrier Enterprises to donate an HVAC system to a local family in Silver Spring, MD. The event will occur on August 11. The chosen family includes Kathleen Musaro, a mother of 5 and a local public school teacher who has spent her summer teleworking and caring for her special needs son, Danny, along with his four siblings.
Danny has several disabilities, including a breathing issue that has been severely affected when their 25-year-old HVAC unit broke down amid a recent heat wave. Kathleen started a gofundme to help bring awareness to her family’s situation.
Upon learning of the family’s urgent needs, the companies partnered to assist the family. Carrier Enterprises is donating the system; Michael & Son will donate its crew’s time to help install the unit for the Musaro family.
Separately, HVAC Services, based in Glasgow, KY, and Lennox Industries are teaming up for a “Feel the Love” program that will donate heating and air conditioning equipment to a family or person in need.
The Lennox Feel the Love program invites individuals and organizations to nominate families or individuals in their communities. Nominees are chosen based on various criteria, including physical, mental or social disabilities; financial challenges; job loss; military service and community service.
Nominations will be accepted through Aug. 31 at