2024 Vision Conference & Industry Summit a success

Written on: May 31, 2024 by ICM

Liquid fuels industry leaders and supporters convened in Weehawken, NJ, on April 30 and May 1 for the National Energy & Fuels Institute (NEFI) 2024 Visions Conference.

Visions attendees networked the floors of the Envue Hotel, meeting with vendors and attending business and management sessions while enjoying each other’s company and the magnificent views of Manhattan’s  skyline just across the East River.

The big news at the Industry Summit Kickoff, and throughout the show, was the determination that the heating oil industry is on track to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, and has already surpassed the industry goals for 2023 as set forth in the Providence Resolution.

Highlights of the show included the Industry Summit Kickoff, the Federal Policy Update, a Clean Heat Standards update, NORA activities, a special Electric Grid education session, the Industry Summit VI and more.